Inverted pyramid

Inverted Pyramid structure

News is anything that is new, and interesting. It would have to affect a big group to be classified as "news". News is anything that makes you happy or sad or angry, it should make you curious to want to know more.

Media Role in Singapore[]

The purpose of news is to educate and inform the public. It is for the good of the country and should always consider national perspectives.

Role of Journalist[]

  • Clarify
  • Simplify
  • Maintain neutrality
  • Summarize
  • Objective (impartial/ neutral)
  • Helps public decide and judge issues for themselves
  • Provides valuable channel for public to voice views and opinions


A lead should be short. A maximum of 25 words or less. A lead should give all the basic information like the 5Ws and 1H.

Ranking of News[]

  1. Health
  2. Education
  3. Defence
  4. Courts and Crime
  5. Sports and Human Interest

(Politics can be ranked anywhere from 1 to 5 depending on big the issue is.)

Public Interest in Singapore[]

  • National security
  • Sensitivities to multisocial/ cultural/ religious issues
  • Out of Bounds markers (concentric circle)

News Values[]

  1. Timeliness and Immediacy
  2. Proximity
  3. Impact and Consequences
  4. Eminence and Prominence
  5. Human Interest
  6. Oddity
  7. Drama
  8. Conflict
  9. Progress and Achievement
  10. sex